

Information obligation according to §5 e-commerce law, §14 company code, §63 trade regulations and disclosure obligation according to §25 media law.

AST Advanced Sales Technologies GmbH
Fernkorngasse 10/3 DG, 1100 Wien

Line of business:  Development and sale of software and applications
particularly in the field of sales automation;

Commercial register number: FN 572096v

Headquarters: Vienna

UID-Nr.: ATU77775178

Phone: +43 720 880660
Email: office@salesy.pro

Member of: WKO, state guild, etc.
Professional law: trade regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at

State of award: Austria

Managing Director: Viktoria Izdebska

EU Dispute Resolution

In accordance with the regulation on online dispute resolution in consumer matters (ODR regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform at http://ec.europa.eu/odr?tid=121898984 You will find the necessary contact details above in our imprint.

However, we would like to state that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for the content of this website

We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept liability for the correctness of any content on this website, especially that provided by third parties. As a service provider, we are not obliged to monitor the information you transmit or store, or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Our obligations to remove information or to block the use of information under general law due to court or official orders remain unaffected even if we are not responsible.

If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately so that we can remove the illegal content. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites for which we are not responsible for. We are not liable for linked websites, since we were not and have no knowledge of illegal activities, we have not noticed any such illegal activities and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of illegal activities.

If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Copyright Notice

All content of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. Please ask us before distributing, reproducing, or exploiting the contents of this website, such as republishing them on other websites. If necessary, we will prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the content of our site.

If you find content on this website that violates copyright, please contact us.

Picture credit

The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

The image rights belong to the following photographers and companies:

  • Photographer Mustermann

All texts are copyrighted.

Source: Created with the Impressum Generator from AdSimple

Data protection

Introduction and overview

We have written this data protection declaration (version 13.12.2021-121898984) in order to explain to you in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 679 and applicable national laws which personal data (data for short) we as the person responsible - and that of processors commissioned by us (e.g. providers) - process, will process in the future and what legal options you have. The terms used are to be understood as gender neutral.
In short: We inform you comprehensively about data that we process about you.

Privacy statements usually sound very technical and use legal jargon. This data protection declaration, on the other hand, is intended to describe the most important things as simply and transparently as possible. As far as transparency is conducive, technical terms are explained in a reader-friendly way, , links to further information and graphics used. We are thus informing you in clear and simple language that we only process personal data in the course of our business activities if there is a corresponding legal basis. This is certainly not possible if you make the most concise, unclear and legal-technical statements possible, as they are often standard on the Internet when it comes to data protection. I hope that you find the following explanations interesting and informative and that you may find some information that you did not already know.
If you still have questions, we would like to ask you to contact the responsible person named below or in the imprint, to follow the links provided and to look at further information on third-party websites. Our contact details can of course also be found in the imprint.

Scope of Application

This data protection declaration applies to all personal data processed by us in the company and to all personal data that companies commissioned by us (processors) process. By personal data we mean information within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR such as a person's name, e-mail address and postal address. The processing of personal data ensures that we can offer and bill our services and products, whether online or offline. The scope of this privacy policy includes:

  • All online presences (websites, online shops) that we operate
  • Social media appearances and email communication
  • Mobile apps for smartphones and other devices

In short: The data protection declaration applies to all areas in which personal data is processed in a structured manner in the company via the channels mentioned. If we enter into legal relationships with you outside of these channels, we will inform you separately if necessary.

Legal Bases

In the following data protection declaration, we provide you with transparent information on the legal principles and regulations, i.e. the legal basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, which enable us to process personal data.
As far as EU law is concerned, we refer to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016. You can of course read this EU General Data Protection Regulation online on EUR-Lex, the gateway to the EU -Legal, see https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32016R0679 .

We only process your data if at least one of the following conditions applies:

  1. Consent (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR): You have given us your consent to process data for a specific purpose. An example would be storing the data you entered on a contact form.
  2. Contract (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR): In order to fulfill a contract or pre-contractual obligations with you, we process your data. For example, if we conclude a sales contract with you, we need personal information in advance.
  3. Legal obligation (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. c GDPR): If we are subject to a legal obligation, we process your data. For example, we are required by law to keep invoices for accounting purposes. These usually contain personal data.
  4. Legitimate interests (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR): In the case of legitimate interests that do not restrict your fundamental rights, we reserve the right to process personal data. For example, we need to process certain data in order to be able to operate our website securely and economically. This processing is therefore a legitimate interest.

Other conditions such as the perception of recordings in the public interest and the exercise of official authority as well as the protection of vital interests do not usually apply to us. If such a legal basis should be relevant, it will be shown in the appropriate place.

In addition to the EU regulation, national laws also apply:

  • In Austria this is the federal law for the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (Data Protection Act), DSG for short ..
  • In Germany the the Federal Data Protection Act, BDSG for short, applies ..

If other regional or national laws apply, we will inform you about them in the following sections.

Contact details of the person responsible

If you have any questions about data protection, you will find the contact details of the person or body responsible below:


Storage Duration

We only store personal data for as long as it is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products is a general criterion for us. This means that we delete personal data as soon as the reason for the data processing no longer exists. In some cases, we are legally obliged to store certain data even after the original purpose has ceased to exist, for example for accounting purposes.

If you wish your data to be deleted or revoke your consent to data processing, the data will be deleted as quickly as possible provided there is no obligation to store it.

We will inform you below about the specific duration of the respective data processing, provided that we have further information on this.

Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation

According to Article 13 GDPR, you have the following rights to ensure that data is processed fairly and transparently:

  • According to Article 15 GDPR, you have a right to information as to whether we are processing your data. If this is the case, you have the right to receive a copy of the data and to be informed of the following information:
    • For what purpose we carry out the processing;
    • The categories, i.e. the types of data that are processed;
    • Who receives this data and if the data is transferred to third countries, how security can be guaranteed;
    • How long the data is stored;
    • The existence of the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing and the right to object to processing;
    • That you can complain to a supervisory authority (links to these authorities can be found below);
    • The origin of the data if we did not collect it from you;
    • Whether profiling is carried out, i.e. whether data is automatically evaluated in order to create a personal profile for you.
  • According to Article 16 GDPR, you have the right to have the data corrected, which means that we have to correct data if you find any errors.
  • According to Article 17 GDPR, you have the right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"), which specifically means that you can request the erasure of your data.
  • According to Article 18 GDPR, you have the right to restriction of processing, which means that we may only store the data but not use it further.
  • According to Article 19 GDPR, you have the right to data portability, which means that we can provide you with your data in a common format upon request.
  • According to Article 21 GDPR, you have a right of objection, which, after enforcement, will result in a change in processing.
    • If the processing of your data is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e (public interest, exercise of official authority) or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f (legitimate interest), you can object to the processing. We will then check as quickly as possible whether we can legally comply with this objection.
    • If data is used to operate direct advertising, you can object to this type of data processing at any time. We may no longer use your data for direct marketing after this.
    • If data is used to operate profiling, you can object to this type of data processing at any time. We may no longer use your data for profiling after this.
  • According to Article 22 GDPR, you may have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (e.g. profiling).

In short: you have rights - do not hesitate to contact the responsible person listed above!

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. This is the data protection authority for Austria, whose website can be found at https://www.dsb.gv.at/ . In Germany there is a data protection officer for each federal state. For more information, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI). The following local data protection authority is responsible for our company: Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) For our company, the following local data protection authority is responsible:

Web Hosting

Web hosting summary
 Data subjects: Website visitors
 Purpose: Professional hosting of the website and security of operation
 Processed data: IP address, time of website visit, browser used and other data. More details can be found below or from the web hosting provider used.
 Duration of storage: depends on the respective provider, but usually 2 weeks
 Legal basis: Art. 6 Para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is web hosting?

When you visit websites today, certain information - including personal data - is automatically created and stored, including on this website. This data should be processed as sparingly as possible and only with justification. By the way, by website we mean the entirety of all web pages on a domain, i.e. everything from the start page (home page) to the very last sub-page (like this one). By domain we mean, for example, example.de or example.com.

When you want to view a website on a screen, you use a program called a web browser. You probably know a few web browsers by name: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

This web browser needs to connect to another computer where the website's code is stored: the web server. The operation of a web server is a complicated and time-consuming task, which is why this is usually taken on by professional providers, the providers. These offer web hosting and thus ensure reliable and error-free storage of website data.

Personal data may be processed when the browser on your computer (desktop, laptop, smartphone) connects and during data transfer to and from the web server. On the one hand, your computer stores data, on the other hand, the web server also has to store data for a period of time in order to ensure proper operation.

Why do we process personal data?

The purposes of data processing are:

  1. Professional website hosting and operation security
  2. To maintain operational and IT security
  3. Anonymous evaluation of access behavior to improve our offer and, if necessary, for criminal prosecution or the pursuit of claims

Which data are processed?

Even while you are visiting our website, our web server, which is the computer on which this website is stored, usually automatically saves data such as

  • The complete internet address (URL) of the accessed website (e.g. https://www.beispielwebsite.de/beispielunterseite.html?tid=121898984)
  • Browser and browser version (e.g. Chrome 87)
  • The operating system used (e.g. Windows 10)
  • The address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL) (e.g. https://www.beispielquellsite.de/vondabinichkommen.html/)
  • The hostname and IP address of the device being accessed from (e.g. COMPUTERNAME and
  • Date and Time
  • In files, the so-called web server log files

How long is data stored?

As a rule, the above data is stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed by authorities in the event of illegal behavior.

In short: your visit is logged by our provider (company that runs our website on special computers (servers)), but we do not pass on your data without your consent!

Legal basis

The lawfulness of the processing of personal data in the context of web hosting results from Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR (protection of legitimate interests), because the use of professional hosting with a provider is necessary to make the company safe and user-friendly on the Internet present and to be able to pursue attacks and claims from this if necessary.

There is usually a contract between us and the hosting provider for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 f. GDPR, which ensures compliance with data protection and guarantees data security.

netcup privacy policy

We use netcup for our website, including a web hosting provider. Service provider is the German company netcup GmbH, Daimlerstraße 25, D-76185 Karlsruhe, Germany. You can find out more about the data processed by using netcup in the data protection declaration at https://www.netcup.de/kontakt/datenschutzerklaerung.php.

Email Marketing

E-mail marketing Summary
 Affected: Newsletter subscribers
 Purpose: Direct advertising by e-mail, notification of systemically relevant events
 Processed data: Data entered during registration, but at least the e-mail address. You can find more details on this with the email marketing tool used in each case.
 Duration of storage: Duration of the existence of the subscription
 Legal basis: Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent), Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is email marketing?

In order to always keep you up to date, we also use the possibility of e-mail marketing. If you have agreed to receive our e-mails or newsletters, your data will also be processed and stored. Email marketing is a subset of online marketing. This involves sending news or general information about a company, product or service by email to a specific group of people who are interested in it.

If you want to take part in our e-mail marketing (usually via newsletter), you usually just have to register with your e-mail address. To do this, fill out an online form and send it off. However, it can also happen that we ask you for your title and your name so that we can also write to you personally.

Basically, registering for newsletters works with the help of the so-called “double opt-in procedure”. After you have registered for our newsletter on our website, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription to the newsletter. This ensures that you own the e-mail address and that no one has signed up with someone else's e-mail address. We or a notification tool used by us logs every single registration. This is necessary so that we can also prove the legally correct registration process. Thereby, as a rule, at the time of registration, the time of registration confirmation and your IP address are saved. In addition, it is also logged if you make changes to your stored data.

Why do we use email marketing?

Of course, we want to stay in touch with you and always present you with the most important news about our company. Among other things, we use e-mail marketing – often just referred to as “newsletter” – as an essential part of our online marketing. If you consent to this or it is permitted by law, we will send you newsletters, system emails or other notifications by email. When we use the term "newsletter" in the following text, we mean mainly e-mails that are sent regularly. Of course, we don't want to bother you in any way with our newsletter. That's why we always try to offer only relevant and interesting content. For example, you can find out more about our company, our services or products. As we continue to improve our offerings, you will always find out via our newsletter when there is news or when we are currently offering special, lucrative promotions. If we commission a service provider who offers a professional sending tool for our e-mail marketing, we do this in order to be able to offer you fast and secure newsletters. The purpose of our e-mail marketing is basically to inform you about new offers and also to get closer to our business goals.

Which data are processed?

If you become a subscriber to our newsletter through our website, you confirm membership in an email list by email. In addition to your IP address and e-mail address, your title, your name, your address and your telephone number can also be saved. However, only if you agree to this data storage. The data marked as such are necessary so that you can participate in the service offered. Providing this information is voluntary, but not providing it will result in you not being able to use the service. In addition, information about your device or your preferred content can be stored on our website. For more information about how we store data when you visit a website, see the Automatic Data Storage section. We record your declaration of consent.

Duration of data processing

If you remove your e-mail address from our e-mail/newsletter distribution list, we may store your address for up to three years on the basis of our legitimate interests so that we can still prove your consent at the time. We may only process this data if we must defend ourselves against any claims.

However, if you confirm that you have given us your consent to subscribe to the newsletter, you can submit an individual deletion request at any time. If you object to the consent permanently, we reserve the right to save your e-mail address in a blacklist. As long as you have voluntarily subscribed to our newsletter, we will of course keep your e-mail address.

Right to object

You have the option to cancel your subscription to the newsletter at any time. All you have to do is revoke your consent to registering for the newsletter. This normally only takes a few seconds or one or two clicks. Most of the time you will find a link at the end of each email to unsubscribe from the newsletter. If you really cannot find the link in the newsletter, please contact us by email and we will immediately cancel your newsletter subscription.

Legal basis

Our newsletter is sent on the basis of your Consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR). This means that we may only send you a newsletter if you have previously actively registered for it. If necessary, we can also send you advertising messages on the basis of § 7 Para. 3 UWG, provided that you have become our customer and have not objected to the use of your e-mail address for direct advertising.

Information on special e-mail marketing services and how they process personal data can be found - if available - in the following sections.


Chatbots Privacy Policy Summary Data
 Data subjects: Website visitors
 Purpose: Contact requests and general communication between us and you
 Processed data: Data such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, general content data, IP address if applicable.
More details can be found in the respective tools used.
 Duration of storage: Depending on the chatbots & chat functions used
 Legal basis: Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a GDPR (consent), Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f GDPR (legitimate interests), Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 lit b. GDPR (contractual or pre-contractual obligations)

What are chatbots?

You can also communicate with us via chatbots or similar chat functions. A chat offers the possibility to write or talk to each other with only a very small-time delay. A chatbot is software that tries to answer your question and, if necessary, informs you about news. By using these means of communication, your personal data can also be processed and stored.

Why do we use chatbots?

The ability to communicate with you is important to us. After all, we want to talk to you and answer all possible questions about our service in the best possible way. Well-functioning communication is an important part of our service. Chatbots have the great advantage that we can use this software to automatically answer frequently asked questions. This saves us time and you will still receive detailed and helpful answers. If the chatbot cannot help, you can of course contact us personally at any time.

Please note that when using our built-in elements, your data may also be processed outside the European Union, since many providers are American companies. As a result, you may not be able to claim or enforce your rights in relation to your personal data as easily.

Which data are processed?

You may also use the chat services on other websites/platforms. In this case, your user ID will also be stored on the servers of this website. We can also be informed about which user used the chat at what time. The content is also saved. Exactly which data is stored depends on the respective service. As a rule, however, it is contact data such as e-mail address or telephone number, IP address and various usage data.

If you have consented to the use of the chat function, this consent will also be saved or logged along with any registration. We do this so that we can also show the registration or consent if this is required by law.

The provider of a chat platform can also find out when you are chatting and also receive technical information about the device you are using. Exactly what information is stored and processed also depends on your PC settings. In many cases, data about your approximate location can be collected. This is done on the one hand to optimize the chat services and on the other hand to ensure more security. Furthermore, the information can also be used to set personalized advertising and marketing measures.

If you have agreed that a chatbot can send you messages, you can of course deactivate this functoin again at any time. The chatbot also serves as a help here and shows you how to unsubscribe from this function. All your relevant data will then be deleted from the recipient directory.

We use the above data in order to be able to address you personally via the chat, to be able to answer your questions and inquiries or to send you possible content. It also allows us to fundamentally improve our chat services.

How long is data stored?

How long the data is processed and stored depends primarily on the tools we use. Below you can find out more about the data processing of the individual tools. The data protection declarations of the providers usually state exactly which data is stored and processed for how long. In principle, personal data is only processed for as long as is necessary to provide our services. When data is stored in cookies, the storage period varies greatly. The data can be deleted immediately after leaving a website, but they can also be stored for several years. Therefore, you should look at each individual cookie in detail if you want to know more about data storage.

Right to object

You also have the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This works either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent data collection by cookies by managing, deactivating, or deleting the cookies in your browser.

Since cookies can be used for chat services, we also recommend our general data protection declaration on cookies. To find out exactly what data is stored and processed by you, you should read the data protection declarations of the respective tools.

Legal basis

We ask for your permission via a pop-up window to process data from you within the framework of the chat services. If you consent, this consent also serves as the legal basis (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR) for data processing. In addition, we process your inquiries and manage your data within the framework of contractual or pre-contractual relationships in order to fulfill our pre-contractual and contractual obligations or to answer inquiries. The basis for this is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter b. GDPR.. In principle, your data will also be processed on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) stored and processed in a fast and good communication with you or other customers and business partners. However, we only use the tools if you have given your consent.

AddThis Privacy Policy

AddThis Privacy Policy Summary Data subjects
 Data subjects: Website visitors
 Purpose: Optimization of our service
 Processed data: Data such as user behavior data, information about your device and your IP address.
More details can be found below in the data protection declaration.
 Duration of storage: the collected data is stored for 13 months from the data collection
 Legal bases: Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent), Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is AddThis?

We use AddThis plugins from Oracle America, Inc. (500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA) on our website. With these plug-ins you can quickly and easily share content from our website with other people. If you visit a website with an AddThis function, your data can be transferred to the AddThis company, stored and processed. With this data protection declaration, you will find out why we use AddThis, which data is processed and how you can prevent this data transmission.

Among other things, AddThis develops software tools that are integrated into websites in order to enable users to distribute content on various social media channels or via e-mail. In addition, AddThis also offers functions that are used for website analysis. The data collected is also used to offer Internet users interest-based advertising. The service is used by more than 15 million website operators worldwide.

Why do we use AddThis on our website?

By using the AddThis button, you can share interesting content from our website on various social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. If you like our content, we would be happy if you share it with your social community. And the easiest way to do this is via the AddThis buttons.

What data is stored by AddThis?

If you share content with AddThis and you are logged in with the relevant social media account, data such as visiting our website and sharing content can be assigned to the user account of the relevant social media channel. AddThis uses cookies, pixels, HTTP headers and browser identifiers to collect data about your visitor behavior. In addition, some of this data is shared with third parties after pseudonymization.
Here is an example list of the data that may be processed:

  • Unique ID of a cookie placed in the web browser
  • Address of the visited website
  • Time of the website visit
  • Search queries that led a visitor to the page with AddThis
  • Length of stay on a website
  • The IP address of the computer or mobile device
  • Mobile advertising IDs (Apple IDFA or Google AAID)
  • Information contained in HTTP headers or other transmission protocols used
  • Which program was used on the computer (browser) or which operating system (iOS)

AddThis uses cookies, which we list below as examples and excerpts. You can find out more about AddThis cookies at http://www.addthis.com/privacy/privacy-policy.

Name bt2
Value 8961a7f179d87qq69V69121898984-3
Purpose of use: This cookie is used to record parts of the website visited in order to recommend other parts of the website.
Expiry date after 255 days

Name bku
Value ra/99nTmYN+fZWX7121898984-4
Purpose of use This cookie registers anonymous user data such as your IP address, geographical location, websites visited and which ads you clicked on.
Expiry date after 179 days

Note Please keep in mind that this is an example list and we cannot claim to be complete.

AddThis also shares Collected Information with other companies. For more details, see http://www.addthis.com/privacy/privacy-policy#section5. AddThis also uses the data received to create target groups and interest profiles in order to offer users in the same advertising network interest-based advertising.

How long and where is the data stored?

AddThis stores the collected data for 13 months from data collection. 1% of the data will be kept as a "sample data record" for a maximum of 24 months so that the business relationship is preserved. However, direct and indirect identification (such as your IP address and cookie ID) is hashed in this "sample data set". This means that the personal data can no longer be linked to you without additional information. Since the AddThis company is headquartered in the USA, the data collected is also stored on American servers.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the right to access and delete your personal data at any time. If you no longer wish to see advertising based on data collected by AddThis, you can use the opt-out button at http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out This sets an opt-out cookie that you must not delete in order to retain this setting.

You can also specify your preferences for usage-based online advertising via http://www.youronlinechoices.com/at/ in preference management.

Your browser offers the possibility to prevent data processing or to manage it according to your wishes. Depending on the browser, data processing works a little differently. Here you will find the instructions for the currently most popular browsers:

Chrome: Cookies in Chrome löschen, aktivieren und verwalten

Safari: Verwalten von Cookies und Websitedaten mit Safari

Firefox: Cookies löschen, um Daten zu entfernen, die Websites auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt haben

Internet Explorer: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

Microsoft Edge: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

Legal basis

If you have agreed that your data can be processed and stored by integrated social media elements, this consent is the legal basis for data processing (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR). In principle, your data will also be processed on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) stored and processed in a fast and good communication with you, or other customers and business partners. However, we only use the integrated social media elements if you have given your consent. Most social media platforms also set cookies on your browser to store data. We therefore recommend that you read our privacy statement on cookies carefully and consult the privacy statement or cookie policy of the relevant service provider.

AddThis also processes data in the USA, among other places. We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. This can be associated with various risks for the legality and security of data processing.

AddThis uses standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission (= Art. 46. Para. 2 and 3 GDPR). These clauses oblige AddThis to comply with the EU data protection level when processing relevant data outside of the EU. These clauses are based on an implementation decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the clauses here: https://ec.europa.eu/germany/news/20210604-datentransfers-eu_de.

If you want to know more about how AddThis processes your data, you can find more information at http://www.addthis.com/privacy/privacy-policy.

Facebook Privacy Policy

Facebook Privacy Policy Summary Data
 Data subjects: Website visitors
 Purpose: Optimization of our service
 Processed data: Data such as customer data, data on user behavior, information about your device and your IP address.
More details can be found below in the data protection declaration.
 Duration of storage: until the data is no longer useful for Facebook purposes
 Legal bases: Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent), Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)

What are Facebook tools?

We use selected Facebook tools on our website. Facebook is a social media network operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland. These tools allow us to offer you and people who are interested in our products and services the best possible offer.

If data is collected and forwarded from you via our embedded Facebook elements or via our Facebook page (fan page), both we and Facebook Ireland Ltd. responsible for. Facebook is solely responsible for the further processing of this data. Our joint commitments have also been set out in a publicly available agreement at https://www.facebook.com/legal/controller_addendum This states, for example, that we must clearly inform you about the use of Facebook tools on our site. Furthermore, we are also responsible for ensuring that the tools are securely integrated into our website in accordance with data protection law. Facebook, on the other hand, is responsible for the data security of Facebook products, for example. If you have any questions about data collection and data processing by Facebook, you can contact the company directly. If you address the question to us, we are obliged to forward it to Facebook.

Below we give an overview of the various Facebook tools, what data is sent to Facebook and how you can delete this data.

In addition to many other products, Facebook also offers the so-called “Facebook Business Tools”. This is the official name of Facebook. But since the term is hardly known, we decided to just call them Facebook tools. These include, among others:

  • Facebook pixel
  • Social plug-ins (such as the "Like" or "Share" button)
  • Facebook login
  • Account Kit
  • APIs (programming interface)
  • SDKs (collection of programming tools)
  • Platform Integrations
  • Plugins
  • Codes
  • Specifications
  • Documentations
  • Technologies and Services

Through these tools, Facebook expands its services and has the ability to receive information about user activities outside of Facebook.

Why do we use Facebook tools on our website?

We only want to show our services and products to people who are really interested in them. With the help of advertisements (Facebook ads) we can reach exactly these people. In order to be able to show users appropriate advertising, however, Facebook needs information about people's wishes and needs. Information about user behavior (and contact details) is made available to the company on our website. As a result, Facebook collects better user data and can show interested people appropriate advertising about our products or services. The tools thus enable tailor-made advertising campaigns on Facebook.

Facebook calls data about your behavior on our website “event data”. These are also used for measurement and analysis services. Facebook can thus create "campaign reports" on our behalf about the effect of our advertising campaigns. Furthermore, through analyzes we get a better insight into how you use our services, website, or products. As a result, we use some of these tools to optimize your user experience on our website. For example, you can use the social plug-ins to share content on our site directly on Facebook.

What data is stored by Facebook tools?

By using individual Facebook tools, personal data (customer data) can be sent to Facebook. Depending on the tools used, customer data such as name, address, telephone number and IP address can be sent.

Facebook uses this information to match the data with the data it has from you (if you are a Facebook member). Before customer data is transmitted to Facebook, so-called "hashing" takes place. This means that a data set of any size is transformed into a character string. This is also used to encrypt data.

In addition to the contact data, "event data" is also transmitted. "Event data" means the information that we receive about you on our website. For example, which subpages you visit or which products you buy from us. Facebook does not share the information it receives with third parties (such as advertisers) unless the company has explicit permission or is legally required to do so. "Event data" may also be linked to contact information. This allows Facebook to offer better personalized advertising. After the matching process already mentioned, Facebook deletes the contact data again.

In order to be able to deliver advertisements in an optimized manner, Facebook only uses the event data if it has been combined with other data (which was collected by Facebook in a different way). Facebook also uses this event data for security, protection, development and research purposes. Much of this data is transmitted to Facebook via cookies. Cookies are small text files that are used to store data or information in browsers. Depending on the tools used and whether you are a Facebook member, a different number of cookies will be created in your browser. In the descriptions of the individual Facebook tools, we go into more detail about individual Facebook cookies. You can also find general information about the use of Facebook cookies https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies.

How long and where is the data stored?

In principle, Facebook stores data until it is no longer required for its own services and Facebook products. Facebook has servers all over the world where its data is stored. However, customer data will be deleted within 48 hours after it has been compared with your own user data.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to information, correction, transferability and deletion of your data.

The data will only be completely deleted if you completely delete your Facebook account. And this is how deleting your Facebook account works:

1) Click Settings on the right side of Facebook.

2) Then click on "Your Facebook Information" in the left column.

3) Now click “Deactivation and Deletion”.

4) Now select “Delete Account” and then click “Next and Delete Account”

5) Now enter your password, click on "Next" and then on "Delete Account"

The data that Facebook receives via our site is stored, among other things, via cookies (e.g. in the case of social plugins). You can deactivate, delete, or manage individual or all cookies in your browser. Depending on which browser you use, this works in different ways. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Cookies in Chrome löschen, aktivieren und verwalten

Safari: Verwalten von Cookies und Websitedaten mit Safari

Firefox: Cookies löschen, um Daten zu entfernen, die Websites auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt haben

Internet Explorer: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

Microsoft Edge: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

If you generally do not want any cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. You can decide for each individual cookie whether you allow it or not.

Legal basis

If you have agreed that your data can be processed and stored by integrated Facebook tools, this consent is the legal basis for data processing (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR). In principle, your data will also be processed on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) stored and processed in a fast and good communication with you or other customers and business partners. However, we only use the tools if you have given your consent. Most social media platforms also set cookies on your browser to store data. We therefore recommend that you read our privacy statement on cookies carefully and consult Facebook's privacy policy or cookie policy.

Facebook also processes your data in the USA, among other places. We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. This can be associated with various risks for the legality and security of data processing.

Facebook uses so-called standard contractual clauses (= Art. 46 Para. 2 and 3 GDPR) as the basis for data processing by recipients based in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, i.e. in particular in the USA) or data transfer there. Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are templates provided by the EU Commission and are intended to ensure that your data also comply with European data protection standards if they are transferred to third countries (such as the USA) and stored there. With these clauses, Facebook undertakes to comply with European data protection standards when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementation decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the relevant Standard Contractual Clauses here, among others: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2021/914/oj?locale=de

The Facebook data processing terms, which correspond to the standard contractual clauses, can be found at https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/dataprocessing.

We hope we have given you the most important information about the use and data processing by the Facebook tools. If you want to learn more about how Facebook uses your data, we recommend the data guidelines at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update.

Facebook Login Privacy Policy

We have integrated the practical Facebook login on our site. You can easily log in to us with your Facebook account without having to create another user account. If you decide to register via the Facebook login, you will be redirected to the social media network Facebook. There you can register using your Facebook user data. This login procedure saves data about you and your user behavior and transmits it to Facebook.

In order to save the data, Facebook uses various cookies. In the following we show you the most important cookies that are set in your browser or already exist when you log in to our site using the Facebook login:

Name fr
Value 0jieyh4c2GnlufEJ9..Bde09j…1.0.Bde09j
Purpose of use This cookie is used to ensure that the social plugin on our website works as well as possible.
Expiry date after 3 months

Name datr
Value 4Jh7XUA2121898984SEmPsSfzCOO4JFFl
Purpose of use Facebook sets the “datr” cookie when a web browser accesses facebook.com and the cookie helps identify login activity and protect users.
Expiry date after 2 years

Name _js_datr
Value deleted
Purpose of use Facebook sets this session cookie for tracking purposes, even if you do not have a Facebook account or are logged out.
Expiry date after the end of the session

Note The cookies listed are just a small selection of the cookies available to Facebook. Other cookies are, for example, _ fbp, sb or wd. A complete list is not possible because Facebook has a large number of cookies and uses them variably.

On the one hand, the Facebook login offers you a quick and easy registration process, on the other hand we have the opportunity to share data with Facebook. This allows us to better tailor our offering and our promotions to your interests and needs. Data that we receive from Facebook in this way is public data such as

  • Your Facebook name
  • Your profile picture
  • A registered email address
  • Friend lists
  • Button information (e.g. "Like" button)
  • Birth date
  • Language
  • Residence

In return, we provide Facebook with information about your activities on our website. This includes information about the device you are using, which subpages you visit or which products you have purchased from us.

By using Facebook Login, you agree to the data processing. You can revoke this agreement at any time. If you want to find out more information about data processing by Facebook, we recommend the Facebook data protection declaration at https://de-de.facebook.com/policy.php.

If you are logged in to Facebook, you can change your settings for advertisements yourself at https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen .

Facebook Social Plugins Privacy Policy

So-called social plug-ins from the company Facebook Inc. are installed on our website. You can recognize these buttons by the classic Facebook logo, such as the "Like" button (the hand with the thumb raised) or by a clear "Facebook plug-in" label. A social plugin is a small piece of Facebook that is integrated into our site. Each plugin has its own function. The most used features are the familiar “Like” and “Share” buttons.

The following social plug-ins are offered by Facebook:

  • “Save” button
  • Like button, share, send and quote
  • Page Plugin
  • Comments
  • Messenger plugin
  • Embedded posts and video player
  • Groups plugin

Visit https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins for more information on how the individual plug-ins are used. We use the social plug-ins on the one hand to offer you a better user experience on our site and on the other hand because Facebook can use them to optimize our advertisements.

If you have a Facebook account or have visited facebook.com before, Facebook has already set at least one cookie in your browser. In this case, your browser sends information to Facebook via this cookie as soon as you visit our site or interact with social plug-ins (e.g. the "Like" button).

The information received will be deleted or made anonymous within 90 days. According to Facebook, this data includes your IP address, which website you visited, the date, time and other information relating to your browser.

In order to prevent Facebook from collecting a lot of data during your visit to our website and connecting it to Facebook data, you must log out of Facebook while you are visiting the website (log out).

If you are not logged into Facebook or do not have a Facebook account, your browser will send less information to Facebook because you have fewer Facebook cookies. Nevertheless, data such as your IP address or which website you visit can be transmitted to Facebook. We would like to expressly point out that we do not know the exact content of the data. However, based on our current state of knowledge, we try to inform you as much as possible about data processing. You can also read about how Facebook uses the data in the company's data guidelines at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update .

At least the following cookies are set in your browser when you visit a website with social plug-ins from Facebook:

Name dpr
Value not specified Purpose
Purpose of use This cookie is used to make the social plug-ins work on our website.
Expiry date after the end of the session

Name fr
Value 0jieyh4121898984c2GnlufEJ9..Bde09j…1.0.Bde09j
Purpose of use The cookie is also necessary for the plug-ins to function properly.
Expiration date after 3 months

Note These cookies were set after testing, even if you are not a Facebook member.

If you are logged in to Facebook, you can change your settings for advertisements yourself at https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen If you are not a Facebook user, you can basically manage your usage-based online advertising at http://www.youronlinechoices.com/de/praferenzmanagement/There you have the option of deactivating or activating providers.

If you want to learn more about Facebook's privacy policy, we recommend the company's own privacy policy at https://www.facebook.com/policy.php.

How long and where is the data stored?

At this point we would like to point out that we have no influence on how Google uses the collected data. According to Google, the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. In most cases, conversion cookies expire after 30 days and do not transmit any personal data. The cookies named "Conversion" and "_gac" (used in connection with Google Analytics) have an expiry date of 3 months.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the option not to participate in Google Ads conversion tracking. If you deactivate the Google conversion tracking cookie via your browser, you block the conversion tracking. In this case, you will not be included in the statistics of the tracking tool. You can change the cookie settings in your browser at any time. Each browser works a little differently. Here are instructions on how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Cookies in Chrome löschen, aktivieren und verwalten

Safari: Verwalten von Cookies und Websitedaten mit Safari

Firefox: Cookies löschen, um Daten zu entfernen, die Websites auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt haben

Internet Explorer: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

Microsoft Edge: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies

If you generally do not want any cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. You can decide for each individual cookie whether you allow the cookie or not. Downloading and installing this browser plug-in from https://support.google.com/ads/answer/7395996 will also disable all "advertising cookies". Keep in mind that by disabling these cookies you will not prevent the ads, only the personalized advertising.

Legal basis

If you have consented to the use of Google Ads Conversion Tracking, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO (Einwilligung) lit.

We also have a legitimate interest in using Google Ads Conversion Tracking to optimize our online service and our marketing activities. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO (Berechtigte Interessen)However, we only use Google Ads Conversion Tracking if you have given your consent.

Google also processes your data in the USA, among other places. We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. This can be associated with various risks for the legality and security of data processing.

As the basis for data processing by recipients based in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, i.e. in particular in the USA) or data transfer there, Google uses so-called standard contractual clauses (= Art. 46 Para. 2 and 3 DSGVO). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are templates provided by the EU Commission and are intended to ensure that your data also comply with European data protection standards if they are transferred to third countries (such as the USA) and stored there. Through these clauses, Google undertakes to comply with European data protection standards when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementation decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the relevant Standard Contractual Clauses here, among others: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2021/914/oj?locale=de

The data processing conditions for Google advertising products (Google Ads Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms), which correspond to the standard contractual clauses and also apply to Google Ads, can be found at https://business.safety.google/adscontrollerterms/.

If you would like to find out more about data protection at Google, we recommend Google's general data protection declaration: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de.

With all of the advertising tools we use that store data from you on their servers, we only ever receive aggregated information and never data that makes you identifiable as an individual. The data only show how well set advertising measures worked. For example, we can see what actions have persuaded you or other users to come to our website and purchase a service or product there. Based on the analyzes we can improve our advertising offer in the future and adapt it even more precisely to the needs and wishes of interested persons.

Duration of data processing

We will inform you below about the duration of data processing if we have further information on this. In general, we only process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products. Data stored in cookies are stored for different lengths of time. Some cookies are already deleted after leaving the website, others can be stored in your browser for several years. The respective data protection declarations of the individual providers usually provide you with precise information about the individual cookies that the provider uses.

Right to object

You also have the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This works either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent data collection by cookies by managing, deactivating, or deleting the cookies in your browser. The lawfulness of the processing up to the revocation remains unaffected.

Since cookies can usually be used with online marketing tools, we also recommend our general data protection declaration on cookies. To find out exactly what data is stored and processed by you, you should read the data protection declarations of the respective tools.

Legal basis

If you have consented to the use of third-party providers, the legal basis for the relevant data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO (Einwilligung) die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, wie sie bei der Erfassung durch Online-Marketing-Tools vorkommen kann, dar.

We also have a legitimate interest in measuring online marketing measures in an anonymous form in order to use the data obtained to optimize our offer and our measures. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO (Berechtigte Interessen)However, we only use the tools if you have given your consent.

Information on special online marketing tools - if available - can be found in the following sections.

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