
Get the right customers in 4 easy steps

This is how Salesy works.

Determine your trigger events

Salesy enables you to identify companies in your market that have just experienced a triggering event and offers you an overview of the most important decision-makers (e.g., CEO, CMO, CSO, CTO, CHRO) and their contact details. The perfect time to address a customer is just after an event that triggers a change in the customer's business or in the market as a whole has taken place.

Choose your 3 filters

Decide where you want to find your customers. With Salesy, you have the option to limit your search to only the most relevant companies. 

Connect to your CRM

Enter your API key directly in your CRM tool to receive your new leads, combined with the contact details of the right people. 

Receive regular new leads

Salesy regularly sends you the right customers, combined with the right contacts, directly into your CRM system. All you have to do is open your sales tool as usual, and new leads are already there waiting for you. 

Want more details?

Arrange a call with us.