
Receive high-quality leads direct to your inbox

Identify companies that currently have a need for your product or service using trigger events.

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Regelmäßig hochqualitative Leads kostenlos in Deine Inbox

Identifiziere Firmen, die gerade einen Bedarf für Dein Produkt oder Deine Dienstleistung haben, mithilfe von Trigger Events.

Who is Salesy for?

Software companies

We tailor our program individually to each customer. Some triggers that we apply for our software customers include management changes, new financing rounds, and many more.

Service companies

We've attained our most successful results for service industry companies by employing the specific strategy of searching for particular job advertisements, such as those seeking marketing specialists.

Financial Institutions

We utilize various triggers that, among other things, indicate which companies in the industry are going bankrupt or what technologies they are using.

How is Salesy different from other lead-generation tools?

We provide regular customer suggestions, allowing you to focus on selling.

High deal closure rate thanks to trigger events

Salesy searches the Internet for events that lead to a customer developing a need for your product - giving you the benefit of perfect timing, every time.

CRM system integration

Salesy sends your leads direct to both your email inbox and CRM platform.

The right contact details

Salesy sends information about the contacts in target organizations that are most relevant to your campaign.

What you get from us

We will send you a file with all leads weekly via email or into your CRM system. We are compatible with HubSpot, Salesforce, and Pipedrive.

Firm name and firm URL

You receive the full company name and their respective URL. 

Direct contact details of key decision-makers

We include the full contact details of the people who matter to you within target companies. 

Description of the company and industry

You can choose which sector your leads will be found in. 

Leads' trigger events

Salesy searches the Internet for events that lead to a customer developing a need for your product. 

Source of the trigger event

We look for leads in over 500 blogs and articles in addition to the entire Austrian job market.

Time of lead identification

We provide you with the specific time at which the trigger event occurred.

Our trigger events

Identify companies that currently or will soon have a need for your product or service.

Financing rounds

Management change

Company growth

Company's anniversary

Office Relocation

Job offerings

Acquisitions/ Exits

team extension

Outdated Website


New startups

Concrete Job Advertisements


Frequently asked questions

What does Salesy do?

Salesy makes identifying and contacting sales leads easier, faster, and better. Salesy automatically scans your market for relevant activities, enabling you to identify new leads at the ideal time, and subsequently make contact with the relevant decision-makers.

How will I recieve leads?

At Salesy we focus on the user experience- You will receive our lead suggestions directly to your CRM. Whether it is in the form of Excel, HubSpot, Pipedrive, etc.  

Who is Salesy for?

  • B2B firms 
  • Firms that primarily focus on Outbound sales
  • Industries such as SAAS, tech (Software Platforms), HR, Service Providers, etc...
  • Scale-ups, Startups, and SMEs

What are Salesy’s advantages?

Thanks to our technology, we are able to automatically recognize when a firm requires your services. When this need is recognized, you get all of the information necessary to execute your sale.

Build your custom lead generation machine with us

Become one of our corporate customers and we will develop an individual lead generation software for you with your own personal trigger events.